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6 Pack Variety
3 Euphoric
3 Focused

6 Pack Variety

Regular price $26.99
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Introducing Emotional Utility Beverage's "Gear-Switching" Sampler Pack. The full assortment of E.U.B. products to improve mood, reduce stress, and increase mental performance.

Includes Euphoric Mangoes Passionfruit, Berries Mint, Sweet Lemon and Focused Blood Orange Tangerine, Pomegranate Black Cherry, Strawberry Kiwi

  • Positively impact chemical messaging
  • Achieve perceptible mood and cognition benefits
  • Switch emotional and cognitive gears seamlessly throughout the day
  • 25 calories per can
  • Lightly carbonated
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    Customer Reviews

    Based on 6 reviews
    Creamy yet refreshing

    I really liked this drink. It was so good! I liked the sweet creamy flavor of it. It actually tasted like drinkable ice cream.

    Luiza S.P.R.

    Not only does it taste good but also it really does work. I will definitely keep buying it. My favorite flavor was the orange one. Differently from like monster or redbull, this drink made me feel focused and energized without that feeling of anxiety, strong heart beat, restlessness then a sudden exhaustion.

    Omead M.
    Never felt better drinking a beverage

    Around 10 mins after consuming both Euphoric and Focus, I absolutely felt incredible. My mood was significantly lifted and I felt very motivated. After drinking focus, I felt a great burst of long term energy and felt very productive. Taste is great also. Highly recommend. Best functional beverage I have had, by far.

    Jae Rocha

    Taste is amazing and overall feels are good, wanted a little bit more of a kick but will definitely be looking to order more

    Joan Ellis

    Never received